Privacy Policy

The information contained in this website, while not guaranteed, has been obtained from sources which we believe to be reliable. However, Northpoint Asset Management makes no representation or warranties, either expressed or implied, regarding the accuracy of this information.

Further, any Northpoint documents found on this website that are replicated for business use is illegal. Information on this website should not be used for contacting employees or owners other than for business purposes pertaining to services rendered or investments held by Northpoint.

Northpoint Asset Management holds all rights and privileges related to the use of its name in any state in which it is registered. Attempts to replicate or infringe upon its name constitute an illegal act.

Northpoint can not provide any assurance or guarantee that it can achieve a property owner’s occupancy, cost, or stabilization goals. Northpoint does not act as a lender to any property owner. All bills must be paid from funds that result from rent collected or from owner’s contribution of funds. Northpoint reserves the right to cancel the contract of any owner that refuses to maintain minimum habitability standards for their property. Northpoint does not provide collections and can not guarantee that tenants will maintain property or abide by the terms of their lease agreement.